
I was fortunate to catch up with David Tyler who has left a legacy in inner-city Brisbane. The terrace mansions he has crafted, during his time, all still stand in Spring Hill, Petrie Terrace and Hamilton. Following is part of an in-depth interview which I have divided into a series of articles.

David, you were a prolific builder or as you called yourself, a restoration consultant of some landmark Colonial terrace mansions in Spring Hill and Petrie Terrace in the 1980’s that looked as if they were built in the 1800’s.

Some of the prominent homes or terrace mansions that you have built include:

Row of five terrace mansions named “Tyler Terraces” at 195, 205, 207, 209 and 211 Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill-(see main featured photo above)

  • 217 Gregory Terrace – a standalone terrace home at the corner of Fortescue Street
  • 221 Gregory Terrace – a standalone terrace home
  • 227 Gregory Terrace – a standalone terrace home
  • 14 York Parade – a standalone home in the Colonial manner
  • 256 Petrie Terrace “Florence House”, Petrie Terrace
  • 260 Petrie Terrace, Petrie Terrace
  • Row of terraces at 242, 244, 246, 248A, 248B Petrie Terrace


Can you tell us a bit about them and what they meant for you, any interesting stories?

My favourite mansion was 217 Gregory Terrace.  The building works went smoothly and one Friday afternoon as I was finishing off work and eyeing my next project across the road where the five terraces stand (195, 205, 207, 209 and 211) along Gregory Terrace today, my bank manager Gordon walks by.

I told him that if he did not lend me the money to build the five terraces,

I would go broke.  And then I also said, even if you lend me the money, I could still go broke! 

And then he said, you should not tell me this on a Friday and spoil my weekend!

On the following Monday, he lent me the money and that is how the terraces were built. It took fourteen months to complete building them.

Not many people know this but all five homes are on separate freehold titles with a 300ml gap between the double bricked walls adjoining each home.  They are separate homes. We had to get Council dispensation to do this.

Tyler Terraces, Spring Hill, Queensland, under construction. 1980’s.


Where did the inspiration to build these Colonial mansions come from?

I used to work in Melbourne where there were many terrace homes and realised that in Brisbane, there was very little. I wanted to keep the tradition of terraces alive and I realised that only the super-wealthy could afford the homes I wanted to build. All the homes I built had the very best quality material irrespective of cost. I wanted these houses to last long after I am gone and be proud of what I have done.  I am also very proud of the awards that I have won along the way.


What lessons have you learnt from your years of building that may be of interest to our readers?

I have built the very best homes that I could in terms of quality of materials and workmanship. The many awards that I have won have just been a testimony of my approach and standard of work. I have always aimed my homes at the upper echelons of society as they were the ones who could afford what I wanted to do and build.  I was never a “wheeler and dealer” in business.  All my work reflected my desire to build the best.


I was given the opportunity to sell your landmark home at 235 Gregory Terrace in 2004 so thank you very much for that opportunity.  We achieved a sale of over $2m then, a record price for a house in Spring Hill.  What is your recollection of that sale?

What stands out is what they said about the both of us.  They told you that David Tyler was mad for wanting more than $2m for his house when sales of even $1m were rare. And what is more, they said that you are just as mad as David for getting mixed up with him!

I still remember the naysayers and we proved them wrong.


 Who or what has inspired you the most in life?

There have been many people who have inspired me.

What stands out is the sayings of some of them such as President John F Kennedy who said

I dreamt of things that never were and said why not? ” J.F. Kennedy

Another inspiring one for me, is lyrics by O C Smith:

To live for today and love for tomorrow is the wisdom of a fool.” O.C. Smith